Our services

Recently it has become hard to follow all the services we offer, so I will summarize them here as a step-by-step plan: Follow our free training schedule and practice as much as you can. To improve you should read for at least six hours per week and do at least an hour of computer practice …

Our mission

It is not a secret that education is broken. Please ask yourself: How much of what I learned in school and university I still remember? If the amount of time and money spent at school/university was used on something else, what could I achieve? What percentage of learning was life changing, exciting or simply interesting? …

Jonathan’s TED talk

Jonathan’s TED talk is truly inspiring. If you feel that your motivation is down and you want to remember why you have chosen to become a superlearner, please watch the video and it will replenish your energies. You are welcome to share the link with your friends. Discuss your thoughts with other superlearners on our …

What are the principles behind keytostudy methodology?

With recent success of our “Become a superlearner” Udemy class and book with the same name, I am often reminding myself our humble beginnings and principles that became key to our methodology. The keytostudy methodology was built as a result of many years of research by Anna Goldentouch and myself. The methodology is built upon …