Our mission

It is not a secret that education is broken. Please ask yourself: How much of what I learned in school and university I still remember? If the amount of time and money spent at school/university was used on something else, what could I achieve? What percentage of learning was life changing, exciting or simply interesting? …

Coaching with Anna: testimonies

Coaching with Anna

We last published student testimonies three years ago. You can read them here https://www.keytostudy.com/student-testimonies/.  To be honest, our new students are as satisfied as ever. I will share some of the responses. DK (initials), VP of Data Engineering, June 2022 The classes were great and it was straightforward to implement Mrs. Goldentouch’s advice and methods! My …

Black Friday superdeal

black friday

The best deal we offer each year is ON! You are welcome to get a HUGE discount. Unlike any other place, we keep the Black Friday deal active till December 31st! The best program we have offers effectively 70% (!!) discount. You will get 8 sessions with Anna and 8 core masterclasses (http://keytostudy.thinkific.com/bundles/keytostudy-keytovision-keytomission-the-core-courses) which are …