Mental Landscaping

Mental Landscaping

In the kingdom of our mental landscapes, we possess the remarkable ability to shape vast territories of thoughts and ideas. Much like a skilled architect designs a city with rivers, bridges, and landmarks, we, too, can craft intricate mental cities that house our knowledge and understanding. This chapter delves into the art of “Landscaping” our …

More is less: add details to FACILITATE memorization


Many of my students try to remember a “marker” of just one word. This is a hard and counterproductive exercise. A word without any context is abstract. Remembering a chunk of multiple words in the same context is actually an easier task. In some sense the “random words” exercise is much harder than remembering actual …

Sections and chapters of personal empowerment and mentoring masterclasses

This is a bundle for parents and mentors – but it also has very specific tips for learning skills and productivity training per specific professions. One of the things that are deeply special in  1:1 with Anna is personal guidance, different for every student. Unfortunately, 1:1 sessions are very expensive. Moreover, we want to do …

Think deeper

Do not speed up, jumping from one idea to another. Take an idea and try to think about it. When you exhausted the things that come to mind, take a break. Then think again, and this time become creative. Think deeper. Read here, here, here, here, and here. Creativity on demand OK, the language I …

Return on investing in learning and exponential growth


Learning is considered an exponential growth skill. However, not all learning is equal. Can we use the return on investment analysis for our learning experience? Sure! Do many people think this way? Not really. Let us go through the myths and realities of earning by learning. How to maximize the full keytostudy offering? The accelerated …

Writing a Gratitude Diary Is Actually Have a Greater Impact on Our Happiness

This guest post by Samantha Kaylee is the best resource on the gratitude diary I saw so far. It is very practical and full of great tips. I am really happy to share it. Apart from all the hustling and bustling of our daily lives, people nowadays need to find gratitude for whoever they are …