Mental Landscaping

Mental Landscaping

In the kingdom of our mental landscapes, we possess the remarkable ability to shape vast territories of thoughts and ideas. Much like a skilled architect designs a city with rivers, bridges, and landmarks, we, too, can craft intricate mental cities that house our knowledge and understanding. This chapter delves into the art of “Landscaping” our …

Time-limited subscription for memory, speedreading and more

Time-limited subscription for memory

In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of knowledge and skill development is more than just an option—it’s a necessity. As we navigate through the complexities of the modern job market and technological advancements, the value of continuous education has never been more apparent. It is with this understanding that we extend an exclusive, time-limited offer …

Associative connections in mental landscapes


Our memory and thinking are deeply associative. Associations are critical for creativity. However, there is no clear recipe for creating associations. Instead, I suggest several options you can mix and match. If you want to improve your memory using special and new methods based on an ancient memory technique, you should take my memory masterclass. …

Ten of the most common speed reading mistakes

  Speed reading is a technique that aims to increase reading speed without sacrificing comprehension. By utilizing specific strategies, readers can process and comprehend information at a much faster rate. Techniques such as skimming, scanning, and chunking text help readers identify key points and main ideas swiftly. Eliminating subvocalization, the habit of silently pronouncing words, …