Boost Your Memory And Memorization With The Power Of Sleep

Boost Your Memory And Memorization With The Power Of Sleep

Did you know that a good night’s sleep can help you have a stronger memory and improve your ability to learn and remember things? In this article, we’re going to explore the relationship between sleep and memory, and discover how you can make the most of your rest time to boost your information retention. Dream …

Ten of the most common speed reading mistakes

  Speed reading is a technique that aims to increase reading speed without sacrificing comprehension. By utilizing specific strategies, readers can process and comprehend information at a much faster rate. Techniques such as skimming, scanning, and chunking text help readers identify key points and main ideas swiftly. Eliminating subvocalization, the habit of silently pronouncing words, …

Training schedule vs reading schedule

There are several kinds of schedules required for proper training: training, reading, video instructions, coaching sessions… This can get very intense. How to navigate the training insanity? Quite simply, actually. Answers below. Divide and conquer There is a family of algorithms from ancient Babylonia… It is significantly easier to solve a large number of small …

Think deeper

Do not speed up, jumping from one idea to another. Take an idea and try to think about it. When you exhausted the things that come to mind, take a break. Then think again, and this time become creative. Think deeper. Read here, here, here, here, and here. Creativity on demand OK, the language I …

The art of reflection: master life without filters

As we become productive, we need to lose some of our filters. So we get also more vulnerable. Dealing with this vulnerability is easy and important, and in any case, it should not be ignored. The filters need to be replaced by reflection. Additionally, as we become more productive, investment in resilience should grow. Reflection …