10 Myths Debunked: Mastering a New Language is Easier Than You Think!

Today, we’re here to address the top 10 most common myths surrounding language learning. So, buckle up and get ready to debunk some myths that have been holding you back from mastering your desired language. Debunking the most common myths about language learning can help you realize that it’s an achievable and rewarding goal. Whether …

How to Improve Score in IELTS Writing Test – Deep Analysis

How to Improve Score in IELTS Writing While Preparing for the IELTS Exam? It is common knowledge that IELTS Academic writing can be tricky. One might believe that having fluency in speaking helps in the written test. However, IELTS writing needs precision and clarity. Therefore, it is wise to invest some time in writing during …

How Being Bilingual Can Help Your Career Development

Whether you’re already a bilingual speaker, or thinking of learning another language, having this skill is a great way for you to stay competitive in the job market. Knowing a foreign language has many benefits, especially when it comes to career growth and personal development. Here are a few ways of being bilingual or multilingual …


disambiguation symbol

Some words mean many things. How do we memorize them? How should we read and remember wordplay? How should we search dictionaries when we encounter new words? These are valid questions without equally valid answers. I will try to address them here. The question that leads to this post I month ago one of my …

Learn to speedread better from synchronous translation

Language is one of the primary tools in any career. We use language to formulate ideas, collaborate, express ourselves, and inspire others. There is a group of people who use language differently and spectacularly.  Moreover, all of us can learn from them. These are the professionals involved in synchronous translation. Read more here, here, here, and …