Sections and chapters of personal empowerment and mentoring masterclasses

This is a bundle for parents and mentors – but it also has very specific tips for learning skills and productivity training per specific professions.

One of the things that are deeply special in  1:1 with Anna is personal guidance, different for every student. Unfortunately, 1:1 sessions are very expensive. Moreover, we want to do our own 1:1 sessions with our own children, friends, and coworkers, possibly providing our own guidance. While I cannot transfer Anna’s experience, I can address various aspects of personal empowerment for all kinds of people. I can as well address some opportunities of learning through mentoring and teaching others. In fact, I have some courses specifically for this purpose.

[In the future, these courses will be bundled with a minicourse on transforming dreams to reality, which is high-risk high-reward activity and the penmansip masterclass dealing with fonts and utensils.  You will be surprised how much can be said about it. But I will not address the relevant subjects here.]


You will find the personal empowerment masterclass here:  The story behind this masterclass is somewhat unique. I used to give very similar pieces of advice for large groups of people which I called “verticals”, like professional silos. Then I wrote specific minicourses for each group. Unfortunately, these minicourses were shorter than my self-imposed standard. So instead of trying to make each minicourse longer, I built a masterclass from 12 minicourses 12 sessions each.  Here are the sections:

  1. Students and experts. Basic explanation of how I perceive polymath mindset and lifelong learning. It is my unique perspective dealing with some common mistakes and learning tradeoffs.
  2. Genes and memes. We pass to others parts of ourselves as genes and memes, IQ and EQ. Here I wanted to address nature vs nurture aspects, especially relevant for children.
  3. Career and mastery.  I have specific courses dealing with both subjects.  Here I wanted to address the tradeoffs between leadership and expertise, diverse experiences, and traditional mastery.
  4. Old and impatient. People above the age of 60 and below the age of 16 have many common qualities. Both feel that they know everything about life and tend to be impatient. Both need to struggle in order to remain focused.
  5. Scientists and researchers. I address critical thinking for those whose profession is critical thinking. In this case, I do not need to teach but instead, warn against the scholastic approach to knowledge as a formal discipline. Paradigms come and go, but the living relationships between people shape the future.
  6. Engineering and design. Since these disciplines are very practical, all pieces of advice here are useful tips for productivity. For example, how to switch contexts between tasks effectively.
  7. Medicine and wellbeing. The Placebo effect is almost as effective as some of the medical treatments. Everyone can benefit from formulating questions, memorizing a lot of information, and using healing visualizations.
  8. Influencers and entertainers. This section tries to address the balance of creativity and discipline, transient and legacy.
  9. Law and accounting. Detail-oriented creativity, synesthesia, reading speed, the effect of fonts. I address some technical aspects of speedreading and notetaking.
  10. Entrepreneurs and artists. Dealing with highly creative and stressful high-risk high reward scenarios, where the knowledge is incomplete and charismatic personality matters as much as statistics.
  11. Teaching And Coaching. Combining storytelling and logic to create a compelling presentation.
  12. Brain athletes. A special section for those who want to deal with memory sports, chess, bridge, and similar disciplines.

You may notice that the subjects addressed here sound like subjects of my other courses. Do not worry, I do not repeat myself. In a way, these are pointers to my other courses with unique new perspectives.

You will find the teaching and masterclass here: There are many books on teaching kids, fewer books on teaching adults. I wanted to address subjects that are not addressed in this books. For example:

  • how well do we learn by teaching others?
  • how to make hybrid learning more effective?
  • what is the role of will and wisdom and how they are derived from knowledge?

Within the masterclass there is an entirely free-to-see minicourse dealing with remote learning and a large part of the “raising a polymath” minicourse. To be honest, each section of this course is independent, and you can go directly to the section you want. I personally prefer sections 4, 8, 9, and 11, but you may have very different preferences.

  1. Coaching and mentoring. This is a very short section dealing with various teaching and mentoring aspects. This section is partially under construction. I plan to add more videos soon.
  2. Expertise and learning by teaching. Here the focus is on learning by teaching and various aspects of such learning. It is easy to show that the relevant form of learning is extremely effective.
  3. Personal experience and empathy.  Active listening is addressed, as well as being a role model.  As always in my courses, there are plenty of actionable insights within.
  4. Brainstorming. Various formats of brainstorming, including brain drawing and out-of-the-box thinking methods.
  5. Coaching and training professionalism. Deals with various forms of non-scientific justification: from well-formulated plans to the authority of experts.
  6. Critical skills and confidence. Various ways of gaining confidence in information when the knowledge is partial.
  7. Understanding common problems. Most students have the same problems. We need a strong foundation of knowledge, deal with self-esteem issues,  fight for grounding and try to avoid burnout.
  8. Remote learning minicourse. Written during COVID19 crisis. Various small tricks to deal with zoom fatigues. The entire section is free.
  9. Raising children. Adapted from Udemy course, dealing with raising polymath kids and challenges of different ages.
  10. Security. Emotional security and ethical compass.
  11. From will to wisdom. Some ideas of how to harness passion, gather knowledge, and distill wisdom.
  12. Hybrid presence and metaverse. Combining remote and actual learning, 24/7 availability issues, and the benefits of hybrid learning.

Two more sections of the teaching and mentoring course are under construction. They are intended to deal with coaching vs mastery aspects and inducing passion as a motivational force.



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