Chunking and linking markers

Our students learn to manipulate with visual markers they  create, often relying on trial and error. There are at least two operations on visual markers that create basic knowledge representation: chunking and linking. Chunking deals with structuring information into manageable chunks. Linking deals with defining relationships between chunks and within chunks. Below is a discussion …

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Choosing the order of markers to represent text

The right order of structuring markers represents the right order in which we remember information. Building proper relationships between various details requires logical understanding of the text. The student may choose simply linking the visual markers, creating mind- mapping trees, or creating more complex visualization. In any case, the student should be prepared to correct …

Speedreading apps for ipad

Many of our students offer various software for consideration. Some software we test, other times we just trust students. These speedreading applications for ipad may help you to improve your skills. Bo Vut.  I found this app in the App Store: I think it would be compatible with this course, so: Is this a good …

Markers for hardware and software

Some of our students need to create visual markers in specific fields of knowledge. Hardware and software are very specific fields of knowledge that require specialized methodology of visualization for engineers and programmers. Below is a discussion attempting to deal with this issue. Question: I’m having troubles creating markers for technical materials such as hardware/software manuals and …

Neuroplasticity – the ability of our brain to rewire itself

Neuroplasticity is the ability of brain to adapt itself. When we change our learning habits we rewire the brain. Some students want to know more about the ability of the brain to rewire. Below is an-depth discussion of the subject. Question: How can anyone “rewire” his/hers brain? Answer: Scientists call this ability neuroplasticity.  Scientists have …