Micro PAO

Recently PAO became the default mode of visualization we teach. I will first explain the method as we use it and then why it became so prominent in our materials. Specific markers are trigrams Most of our students have advanced degrees and read complex materials. As materials get increasingly complex, a specific marker becomes a …

Best mnemonics and memory training for medical students and nurses – Part 2

Many of my readers and students practice medicine. All memory methods we teach are perfectly suited for medicine. Moreover, in 1:1 Anna uses some exclusive methods SPECIFICALLY developed for the medical students.  Since memoization is any extremely important and time-consuming part of any medical practice, and since medical practice is so long and intense,  you …

Best mnemonics and memory training for medical students and nurses – Part 1

Many of my readers and students practice medicine. All memory methods we teach are perfectly suited for medicine. Moreover, in 1:1 Anna uses some exclusive methods SPECIFICALLY developed for the medical students.  Since memoization is any extremely important and time-consuming part of any medical practice, and since medical practice is so long and intense,  you …

Laws of training

Accelerated learning is somewhat similar to athletic training. We learn new things, train specific groups of skills, and then we need to transfer the generic learning skills to very particular tasks we handle. For today, I have chosen articles here, here, here, here, here, and here. Does accelerated learning apply to what I do? This …