
Unlike other processes we use (visualization, memorization, skimming, analysis, time-management strategies), the actual speedreading is a pretty straight-forward process.  We assume that You have already encoded all the names, dates and other dense stuff within the paragraph in prereading and the relevant markers are readily available to be used. The text is averagely dense, cannot …


So far I have referenced Tony Buzan books for mindmapping. I am realizing that I need to give my students a short and useful explanation of how to use mindmapping and why. This post is intended to be useful, so I will not go into historical, classical and programmable aspects of mindmapping, but focus on …

What are the principles behind keytostudy methodology?

With recent success of our “Become a superlearner” Udemy class and book with the same name, I am often reminding myself our humble beginnings and principles that became key to our methodology. The keytostudy methodology was built as a result of many years of research by Anna Goldentouch and myself. The methodology is built upon …