Chronic fatigue: why do I constantly feel tired?

This is quite common in every age.  We feel constantly tired without a visible reason.  There are different sorts of tiredness beyond sleepiness and lack of energy: lack of motivation, restlessness, and lack of focus, irritability, and bad temper to name a few. Sometimes we accept this, especially when our kids are small. Other times …

The mysterious appeal of the low tech and heirloom

There is something incredibly plasticky in modern life. When I was young I really enjoyed the beautiful colors, universal availability, and disposable nature of the things we use. Now, as I get older, I start to focus on other things. Craftmanship and perfection in details, history, and soul. From plastic to virtual products There is …

Healthcare memorization and mnemonics

Healthcare information requires large amount of memorization. Our students need to remember body parts in foreign languages, complex functional behaviour of these body parts, historical facts related to various body functions… The methods for remembering medicine, chemistry and biology are a combination of methods for remembering foreign languages and methods fro remembering historical processes. Barney …