Focus control

When learning, focusing may be quite hard there are several reasons for it, and several strategies to bring the focus to the subject at hand. People with attention-deficit (ADHD) and emotional problems may occasionally need some extra help to regain focus, including breathing exercises and medicine. Fatigue Quite often focus drifting away is quite natural. …


The theory of overlearning is complex, the implementation of overlearning is very simple. You learn something till you get nearly 100% score, take some rest and then you learn it some more to get nearly 100% score the next time you need to use your skill. In other words, if you simply learn something and …

Brainy habits

There are many ways to study in life. Some ways are more conventional than others. There is an intricate connection between what we do and what we know. Some habits may have a surprising effect on our brain. This post was inspired by this, this, this and this articles. Conventional education It is pretty safe …

Do mental math

Read about Trachtenberg system for mental math. Now choose a random number. Start with 5 digits, with time try to upgrade to longer numbers. Do mental computations. Expected effects: faster and better working memory access, improvement of mathematical tasks. No program or tools required: everything can be done in your head. Beginner level Multiply by …