Applications of AR in Medicine: Diagnostics, Planning, Training, and Operations


The integration of augmented reality (AR) technology has rapidly transformed various industries, including gaming and entertainment. However, its potential extends far beyond mere entertainment. In recent years, the medical field has begun harnessing the power of AR, revolutionizing diagnostics, planning, training, and even actual surgical procedures. This blog explores the applications of augmented reality in …

10 Trends In Educational Videos That Are Shaping The Future of Education

The landscape of education is rapidly changing, and the use of video technology is playing a significant role in this evolution. As educational institutions and organizations look for new ways to deliver knowledge and skills to learners, educational videos have become an increasingly essential tool for teachers, trainers, and educators to deliver high-quality, engaging, and …

Sections and subjects of speedreading and senses masterclasses

My reading speed and technique improved dramatically from the time I started speedreading. I would go as far as say that speedreading is a form of biohacking: it is the ability to hack into our senses and generate far more than the senses allow. Therefore in the future, I will bundle speedreading with hacking the …

Logical markers: abstract constants and variables

How should we remember constants and variables? There are many formulas in sciences, and these formulas use constants and variables. Some of these constants and variables are almost abstract, like the Plank constant. How should we treat them? “Logical markers” are like mental signposts, helping you describe non-mathematical things in a precise and accurate way. …

Science and medicine, when nobody knows…

I always wonder about the limits of our knowledge. Socrates has shown millennia ago the limitations of conventional wisdom. The scientific method is more robust, but it is also limited. Not understanding something well enough is not ideal. Watching people die without any reasonable explanation is even worse. What can be done? Read some more here, …