Eidetic learning through observation

Many scientific discoveries have been found through luck and attention to details.  Probably 80% of debugging any programmist performs involves attention to details. Good user interface and graphical design require immense attention  to details. Ability to observe minor changes and make good and quick decision is important in all human endeavors I can think of, …

Clear thinking

How analytical and rational is my thinking? Only one way to find out: get tested! I discovered clear thinking site entirely by mistake, and I was shocked by the quality of personality traits testing. Within very few very accurate questions, computer is able to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses of your thinking. The site loads fairly …

Memory challenges

The top ranking memory champion recommends this memory sites for everybody willing to become memory sportsman. One of the coolest features of the site is a list on memory challanges. Unlike technical memory exercises, these mental challenges are packed with useful information. If you are premed student or want-to-be memory sportsman and want to check …

Basic training

While some training requires high level of skill, other exercises may be started as soon as you want. What skills can you train right away? Linking markers Creating short stories that include given words is a very simple way to remember things. Practice linking markers exercise in several ways. Level 1: Create stories with words …

How to train reading

Training reading is a bit tricky act of balancing. If you fail the balancing act, you may generate bad habits that are hard to change. Speed. The first thing to train in speedreading is obviously speed. Reading speed typically does not increase gradually, but in quantum leaps and occasional regressions. Do not be alarmed either …