Bilateral drawing

We use neuroplasticity to improve brain power and generate new ways to do things. One of the ways to induce neuroplasticity is by doing certain motoric actions, like bilateral drawing.

Drawing with both left and right hand has been a part of Anna’s toolset since I know Anna. And Anna used to ask me to draw with both hands more than once, as a way to strengthen relations between visual processing (left hand) and logical processing (right hand). At the beginning it was very hard and the images I created were very simple, but with time I manage ambidextrous drawing where each hand complemented the work of the other hand.

Many years have passed. I did not draw with both hands till then, and Anna removed the task from the main course to streamline the material. Recently, when reviewing the elements we removed from the main course we decided to recommend bilateral drawing to students more interested in creativity training and medical rehabilitation via the course. While we could not find direct link between reading quality and bilateral drawing, the skill was psychologically beneficial to every student that used it, and it also removed many creativity barriers.

Quite often we recommend you to doodle when you need to remember conversations. Now we go one step further and tell you to doodle with both hands. Tell us how this makes you feel.

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4 Replies to “Bilateral drawing”

  1. Hi Lev, does the drawing with both hands need to be simultaneous? I pretty bad at drawing with the right hand, which is supposed to be the good one 🙂 Thanks.

    1. It needs to be simultaneous for the expected effects. You can practice each hand independently, as long as you understand you will need simultaneous drawing afterwards

  2. Hi Lev,
    I find this post really interesting. What do you think about “bilateral writing”? (Writing with my left hand and then my right, not simultaneously.)
    Does it have the same benefits?

    1. I guess it does. I have no real understanding of bilateral writing effects.
      I know anecdotes of a US president writing one hand Latin the other hand Greek.
      Not sure what the effects will be, but it is something cool to try and a great skill to show off.
      Probably you should try and tell me 🙂

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