Subliminal reading

Some people (including me) generate visual markers without actual visualization. The symptomatic of subliminal reading is very interesting. By following reading speed, eye motion, association creation, reading progress and some other criteria both Anna and me can tell that the student uses visual processing of the text. The student reads fast and retains very well. …

Superlearning for programmers: algorithm development

My first job was database administrator. My second job was an RF engineer. My third job (back in 1999) was under title “algorithm developer”, and that was the first job I really loved. Since then I have been algorithm developer/CTO on and off, dealing with computer vision, image procession, machine learning, financial mathematics, semantic processing, …

Sliding words

This is a new exercise Anna invented to train both reading speed and visual angle. This implementation is the first time we use this particular exercise, so your feedbacks are welcome.

5 Practical Applications of Your SuperLearner Abilities

Perhaps one of the most interesting and common little “issues” I think about with a lot of SuperLearning skills is the issue of usability. Indeed, some of the most skilled and advanced SuperLearners (and also the most famous, after the publication of Joshua Foer’s bestselling book Moonwalking with Einstein) out there are the competitors in …