
On this blog you will find free training exercises, unique resources and answers to the most interesting questions regarding memory techniques, speed reading, knowledge, creativity, time management and accelerate learning in general. There are above 1000 articles in this blog, so you are encouraged to use the search functionality. Please make sure to visit the blog page called https://www.keytostudy.com/category/memory-techniques-speedreading-superlearning/>Articles.

If you have a demanding job or education, or if you have ADHD or dyslexia, our methodology has an extremely high chance of helping you. I personally have ADHD, and my wife has dyslexia, and with the help of the techniques we teach we were able to overcome our own limitations. We have a lot of experience with doctors, lawyers, scientists, entrepreneurs and all sorts of students with some dedicated techniques specifically for these groups.

A few words about myself, Lev Goldentouch. I have a PhD in engineering with emphasis on statistics, which I completed when I was very young. Then I have about 30 years of experience in programming and machine learning in all positions from QA to CEO. If you search my name you will find several books I co-authored and patents I invented. My wife (Prof) Anna is an expert in learning methodologies, which means that she teaches teachers. When we got married almost 20 years ago, she made sure to teach me memory techniques and speedreading. Since then my speedreading gradually improved. While I started slightly slower than average with 100 words per minute, with time I progressed to fancy 10,000 words per minute in English. The reading speed is a complex skill, and some parts of it are trained per language, for example I read 3000 wpm in Russian and only 1200 wpm in Hebrew, and still slower in other languages.

There is always a question regarding how much I remember. While I was trained in advanced memory techniques, I cannot face competitively young Chinese boys and girls. Instead I focus on connectivity of my knowledge, which enables higher creativity and productivity as well as long-term retention. When I really want to remember something, my memory is phenomenal. If I do not want to remember, I will struggle just like everybody else.

Learning skills can definitely be taught, but this is not easy or immediate. Teaching learning skills is a family business. I provide video courses on https://keytostudy.thinkific.com/. When I say “video courses” I address a collection of more than 3000 videos on average 3 min each. My wife Anna teaches online 1:1 using Skype/Zoom, or provides frontal lectures for large organization. My son Leeron (reading speed 1500wpm) is a coach in our small business. All in all we had hundreds of thousands of students for video courses, and thousands of 1:1 students. The success rate with 1:1 is above 90%, and it is measured objectively using memory and reading speed tests. Please notice that about 30% of what we teach is proprietary and invented by us, while the other 70% required very specific streamlining and reordering to work properly with a large variety of students and tasks.

You are welcome to acquire the learning skills here. You will also find here articles on productivity and more general subjects until 2023. In 2023 we started relocating productivity-related subjects to a blog called KeyToVision, while for more general subjects we use a blog called SmartOrFun.

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